Acne Treatments for Teens and Adults

Acne Treatments for Teens and Adults

Acne plagues both teens and adults and is the number one reason people seek the help of dermatologists and estheticians. There are numerous proven treatment options on the market at many different price points. We know that patients are looking for something that is not only effective but is simple, painless, and and affordable. We would like to share with you the treatments we provide that help to improve acne and acne scars.


Microneedling treatments are great for clients suffering from acne scarring, and not active acne. During the microneedling treatment, your skin triggers its wound healing process. This promotes the growth of new collagen in your skin to smooth out scarring and fine lines. There are three phases to the wound healing process that are triggered during microneedling. Phase one includes the inflammation of the skin. Piercing the skin causes your immune system to react and disinfect the wounds, remove any debris, increase blood flow, and begin creating new tissue. Phase two is proliferation. The “wounds”, or micro-channels, are rebuilt with new granulation cells, which are part of the extra cellular matrix. A new network of blood vessels also begin to develop during this phase. Phase three is the remodeling process. The wounds are then replaced with new dermal tissue and blood vessels. This causes deep scarring to be lessened and the skin has a brighter, more even skin tone and texture. The new skin is also tighter and firmer. The recommended treatment cycle is every four to six weeks for optimal results.


Facials overall are great for the skin as they improve your skin health. Hydrafacials are a great option for clients struggling with acne and acne scarring. Acne facials are alternate skincare options designed to treat the root cause of the acne. During a facial, our esthetician chooses the best treatment and skincare products for your skin type. Your acne may be related to trapped debris, oil, and dead skin. Clients receive a deep and thorough cleanse and exfoliation of their skin. If needed, the primary focus is then on providing extractions to remove any excess buildup of oil that is clogging the pores. A portion of a facial also includes facial massage. Massage improves circulation, as well as stimulates collages and elastin growth. The exfoliation and massage a client receive during facials works towards reducing fine lines and age spots. Adding services such as High Frequency are great at fighting and killing the acne-causing bacteria.

Professionally performed acne facials provide better results than at home versions. Finishing products are applied that will continue to target your skin concerns as well as nourish and improve your overall skin health. Facials are important for promoting skin renewal and improving skin health.


Products with ingredients such as salicylic and glycolic acids are used to remove dead skin cells. These two acids are particularly great for preventing pores from becoming clogged and congested. Deep cleaning and exfoliation with the correct products allow for your skin to have a greater cell turnover. This causes the skin to be less prone to breakouts and have a more even skin tone and texture. Retinols are also incredible for clients with acne and many other skin concerns.


Dermaplaning is a great skincare treatment option for clients with clogged pores. By removing dead skin cells and vellus hair, this treatment works to unclog your pores while also providing a smooth skin texture. The daily buildup of dead skin cells can clog your pores and hair follicles, causing acne. With the removal of all the dead skin cells, key skincare products can penetrate deeper within the skin, making them more effective. Deramplaning is also great at removing superficial hyperpigmentation. Clients that experience Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation benefit greatly from this treatment.

If you are interested in one of our acne fighting treatments call or book online.